April 12, 2023

The Benefits Of Parking Lot Line Painting

Parking lot line painting, also known as parking lot striping, is what distinguishes a great parking lot from just a slab of concrete and asphalt that cars park on. Here at Infinity Asphalt, we’re proud to offer parking lot striping throughout Calgary. Parking lot striping benefits everyone: Vehicles, pedestrians, and business owners alike. Let’s take a look at how:

It Improves Safety

Parking lot line painting can be used to direct traffic, tell vehicles where to park, and keep adequate space between vehicles. You can use it to create no parking zones, no walking zones, and more. All of this leads to fewer collisions and a reduced chance of doors flying open and hitting other vehicles. Want to improve safety on your commercial property? You need parking lot lines.

It Creates a Vehicle and Pedestrian Flow

With parking lot lines, you can design pedestrian crossings, lanes to direct two-way traffic, and even fire lanes for emergency vehicles. All of this creates a smoother experience for visitors to your property. You can tell vehicles where to stop, where to park, and what spots to avoid, and even make it clear who has the right of way. We’ve all been stressed trying to make our way through chaotic parking lots. Relieve that stress with parking lot striping.

It Reduces Liability With Accidents

As a property owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure the safety of anyone who drives or walks on your property. High-quality parking lot striping paint is very visible on an asphalt parking lot, even in low-light conditions. That makes everyone safer—and reduces your chances of being liable for an accident. When you get your parking lot painted with Infinity, we’ll also check for any potholes or cracks that could make the paint less effective. With your permission, we’ll fix that damage for you—making your parking lot even safer.

It Boosts Curb Appeal

Parking lots with striping look way better. They’re professional. They’re full of symbols that make it easy to discern where you’re supposed to go and where you’re supposed to park. They show that you’re a business that cares—about expecting and new parents, about people with disabilities, and about the safety of the people who visit your business.

It Improves Parking Efficiency

Line striping can help you eliminate traffic jams and make it easier for people to find suitable parking. By creating clearly delineated parking spaces, and even including spaces for small cars, and directing the flow of traffic, it becomes much simpler for people to find a parking spot, enjoy your business, then drive away safely when the time comes. You’ll prevent door dings, people being unable to find parking, and confusion —and you won’t have to worry about your customers getting annoyed!

Scheduling Parking Lot Line Painting With Infinity

With our parking lot striping service, you won’t need to worry about chaos in the parking lot ever again. Make things easy for your customers—and for yourself. For parking lot line painting in Calgary, call Infinity Asphalt.

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