February 21, 2024

Protecting Your Asphalt From Winter Weather

Asphalt is a durable material that can be used for all kinds of paving projects, including parking lots, pathways, and more. Winter weather can cause several different problems for asphalt, but with proper preparation, you can mitigate the negative effects that winter weather can have on your asphalt.

Key Takeaways

  • Protecting asphalt in winter is an essential part of asphalt care.
  • Asphalt pavement is particularly prone to damage in the wintertime, especially when cracked.
  • You can protect asphalt by repairing damage, improving drainage, and clearing snow.
  • By hiring professionals, you can improve the lifespan of your asphalt pavement and mitigate damage in the winter.

Why Asphalt Gets Damaged During the Winter

Asphalt, for all its durability, is prone to developing cracks over time. These cracks can develop as a result of the natural expansion and contraction of asphalt as temperatures shift, as well as due to general wear and tear (and other factors). Small cracks (or even small potholes) may seem like nothing to worry about—but when winter comes around, the water that makes its way into these cracks can freeze.

This causes the cracks to expand; the ice then melts and freezes again in what’s known as the freeze-thaw cycle. In the end, this can lead to new cracks throughout your asphalt and larger cracks than you began with. Prevention is key—it can save you from having to do more thorough repairs or even from needing to replace your asphalt entirely.

How You Can Protect Your Asphalt From Winter Damage

There are several steps you can take to protect asphalt paving from damage in the winter—and avoid needing as many (or any) pothole repairs in the spring. Below are seven preventive measures you can take to keep your asphalt protected:

  1. Clear debris from every asphalt surface: Debris, on its own, will rarely lead to damage. The problem with the debris is twofold—it can freeze to your asphalt pavement over the winter and it can cover up the damage. By cleaning off your surface, it will be easier for you to fill cracks and potholes.
  2. Fill any cracks: We recommend filling both large and small cracks. There are different types of cracks, and priority should be given to larger cracks as well as certain types of cracks. Not sure which cracks to fill? Call your local asphalt repair pros at Infinity Asphalt.
  3. Repair potholes: Potholes form when pressure is applied on asphalt that has been weakened by the freeze-thaw cycle. Much like cracks, they can grow, cause more cracks (and more potholes), and create hazards for drivers. Repairing potholes before the winter season can protect your pavement.
  4. Get rid of standing water: Standing water can form when your asphalt pavement has poor drainage; if it freezes, you can expect all kinds of cracks. You can eliminate standing water before winter comes around, but it’s best to deal with the underlying issues that caused the standing water to settle in the first place. You may need to change the slope of your parking lots or walkways or add features that improve drainage.
  5. Get sealcoating: Sealcoating can help protect asphalt surfaces from all kinds of damage, but it can’t be applied in the winter. By applying it earlier in the year, you can protect your asphalt from harsh winter weather; just be sure to apply it after you’ve made all of your asphalt repairs.
  6. Shovel frequently: Now that you’ve gone through all the preventative measures, it’s time to tackle the weather you’ll see in the cold winter months. You need to shovel any time there’s snowfall to prevent the freeze-thaw cycle from wreaking havoc on your asphalt surfaces. Hire a professional snow removal company to tackle large jobs.
  7. Be careful with de-icers: De-icing is essential in Calgary, but the rock salt used can accelerate the freeze-thaw cycle. Hiring a professional snow removal company can help you avoid using too much salt.

Getting Started With Professional Asphalt Paving Services in Calgary

We’re your one-stop shop for asphalt repair, snow removal, and any other services you may need to keep your driveways, parking lots, and walkways perfectly maintained year-round. Get in touch with us today!

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